Jews and Christians can ease the way for peace, says Pope Francis

Jews and Christians can ease the way for peace, says Pope Francis

On Tuesday, addressing the Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress, a group of 200 members, Pope Francis said the common religious heritage of Christians and Jews is 'an incentive to act together' to create a peaceful world. He remembered that since the Second Vatican Council, the organization has been successful in its communication, which "testifies to and strengthens the bond of friendship" between the two.

Pope said, Jews and Christians profess one faith and "share a similar outlook on the final things, shaped by trust on the journey of life.We are not advancing towards nothingness but towards an encounter with the Most High who cares for us. "

Therefore, the relationship should be regarded as 'an incentive to act together' to make the world friendly in peace and justice by removing inequalities among the people to promise peace a reality in the current world. He called for a joint effort to restore peace and noted war as a "defeat for all humanity."

He added a note on the great "sacrilegious war" that "threatens Jews and Christians alike, depriving them of their loved ones, their homes, their property, and their lives."

He thanked the Committee for their presence expressing the wish that Most High lead both in the way of peace.

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