Uganda 2022 TOP40 Great Leaders inducted, Keralite Varghese Thambi in the ‘Who Hall of Fame Poster’

Uganda 2022 TOP40 Great Leaders inducted, Keralite Varghese Thambi in the ‘Who Hall of Fame Poster’

Kampala: The 2022 Uganda TOP40 Great Leaders were inducted onto the 2022 Uganda Great Leaders Who is Who Hall of Fame Poster by Public Opinions in appreciation of their enormous contributions towards attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Uganda Vision 2040 which is: “A Transformed Ugandan Society from a Peasant to a Modern and Prosperous Country by 2040.

Varghese Thambi, a Keralite, is among the 40 individuals selected for their contributions to the nation. Among the seventeen goals included as part of sustainable development, he is included in the Top 40 Great Leaders list for his contributions in the areas of gender equality (54% women in Diamond Trust Bank), decent economic growth support and industrial development.

Varghese Thambi is the Managing Director of Diamond Trust Bank Uganda. He started his career in 1976. He came to Uganda in 2007. He is very involved in religious and social volunteer work, is the C News Live Africa Coordinator, the Global Catholic Congress Global Vice President for Africa, and serves as the President of the St. Vincent DePaul Society Uganda. His role was significant in starting the Christian community in Uganda. He is also a volunteer worker who is willing to do his best for any kind of social volunteer activities without hesitation.

Uganda Vision 2040 builds on the progress that has been made in addressing the strategic bottlenecks that have constrained Uganda’s socio-economic development since her independence, including; ideological disorientation, weak private sector, underdeveloped human resources, inadequate infrastructure, small market, lack of industrialization, underdeveloped services sector, under-development of agriculture, and poor democracy, among others. It is conceptualized around strengthening the fundamentals of the economy to harness the abundant opportunities around the country.

With the buoyant recovery and resilience of the economy induced by deliberate and prudent economic policies steered by Gen Museveni, Uganda’s GDP per capita has increased to US Dollars 1,046 in current prices, which is equivalent to Uganda Shs. 3.7 million per person per year. The services sector is has been growing by 3.8 percent up from 2.8 percent growth in 2021. This is on account of continued recovery in wholesale and retail trade, education and tourism services; coupled with growth in real estate activities and ICT. The country achieved these targets due to the determination and commitment of the Great Leaders.

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