Jesus Brought Our Humanity Into Heaven, Says Pope Francis

Jesus Brought Our Humanity Into Heaven, Says Pope Francis

On this Sunday, which is the Ascension of the Lord, Pope Francis spoke to the masses assembled in Saint Peter's Square for the Regina Coeli prayer. He reflected on two important aspects of this feast: the reason we celebrate Jesus' ascension from the earth and what He is doing now in heaven.

Heaven Is Already Our Home Because Of Jesus
The Pope commented on how something new and wonderful had occurred and went on to say that with the Ascension, Jesus carried our humanity into heaven, just as the humanity He had acquired on earth had ascended into God, where it stays forever.

According to Pope Francis, God underwent a metamorphosis on the day of the Ascension. From that moment forward, God is no longer just spirit; instead, out of His great love for us, He has taken on our body and our humanity.

According to the Pope, heaven is already somewhat like our own place because Jesus went back to the Father carrying our humanity. For us, Jesus paved the way.

Jesus Our Representative
The second point the Pope made was that Jesus is constantly present for us before the Father in heaven, demonstrating to Him our humanity through the wounds He bore on our behalf. As our representative before the Father, Jesus will be available for us always and until the end of time to intercede on our behalf.

In closing, the Pope emphasized that because Jesus pleads on our behalf before the Father, having faith can assist us to remain hopeful and upbeat. He also prayed that the Queen of Heaven would assist us in interceding with the power of prayer.

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