US Eagerly Awaits Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Visit, Joint Address to Congress

US Eagerly Awaits Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Visit, Joint Address to Congress

Washington DC - During a press briefing, John Kirby, the US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, expressed the United States' anticipation of hosting Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He highlighted the strong defense partnership between the US and India, as well as the excellent cooperation within the Quad. When asked about the possibility of a joint news conference between President Joe Biden and PM Modi during the visit, Kirby mentioned that the agenda for the state visit is yet to be finalized, but reiterated the US's excitement to welcome PM Modi.

PM Modi has been invited by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden to visit the United States from June 21 to June 24. The Indian diaspora in the US is eagerly awaiting his arrival, with over 7,000 Indian Americans planning to be present on the South Lawns of the White House to witness the welcoming ceremony, including a 21-gun salute.

During his visit, PM Modi will also address the chairpersons and CEOs of prominent US companies at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington. Additionally, he will have the opportunity to address a joint session of the United States Congress on June 22, making him the first Indian Prime Minister to do so twice.

The invitation to deliver this historic speech was extended by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, showcasing bipartisan support and respect for PM Modi in the United States. The invitation letter from the President and First Lady commended PM Modi's previous address seven years ago, which helped strengthen the bond between the two nations. The White House emphasized the significance of this occasion in reaffirming the deep and close alliance between the United States and India.

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