US to Deliver Abrams Tanks to Ukraine in September

US to Deliver Abrams Tanks to Ukraine in September

WASHINGTON - The US administration is set to initiate the delivery of US-made Abrams tanks to Ukraine starting in September, 2023. The plan involves sending several tanks to Germany for modernization in August.

US has pledged a total of 31 tanks, or the equivalent of a Ukrainian battalion. A handful of Abrams tanks would undergo final refurbishments in Germany before being shipped to Ukraine the following month. The decision to send the older M1A1 models instead of the more modern A2 version was made to expedite the process, as the latter would have taken a year to reach Ukraine.

The initial batch of tanks is expected to consist of six to eight vehicles. Prior to shipment, the tanks will be stripped of their most sensitive technology, including secret depleted uranium armor in some cases, to ensure their secure transfer to Ukraine.

Once delivered, the Ukrainian military will undergo a 10-week training course to become proficient in operating the tanks. The training is scheduled to be completed in August.

Pentagon spokesperson Col. Martin O’Donnell confirmed that efforts are being made to expedite the delivery process, stating, "We’re definitely working to get them to Ukraine as fast as we can." However, specific details about the timeline were not disclosed.

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