G20 Climate Meeting Concludes Without Consensus on Strengthened Action

G20 Climate Meeting Concludes Without Consensus on Strengthened Action

Chennai - The G20 Environment and Climate Ministers' meeting in Chennai concluded without reaching an agreement on strengthened climate action, leaving expectations for a push from leading economies unfulfilled. The meeting, which marked the conclusion of the Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group's efforts within the G20, was marred by divisions on crucial issues, including raising emission reduction targets and achieving the global peak of emissions by 2025.

Developed countries insisted on increasing mitigation targets for all nations, while developing countries in the group stressed the importance of delivering on unfulfilled promises related to finance and technology. They urged developed nations to take more substantial actions in this regard. These familiar divides have been persistent obstacles to ambitious decision-making during climate change conferences in the past as well. The lack of consensus on enhanced action casts uncertainty over the collective commitment of G20 members to address the pressing challenges posed by climate change.

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