Mob Raids Police Armoury in Manipur, Stealing Assault Rifles and 19,000+ Bullets

Mob Raids Police Armoury in Manipur, Stealing Assault Rifles and 19,000+ Bullets

IMPHAL: A fresh incident involving the looting of arms has unfolded in Manipur. According to officials, a mob, predominantly from the majority community, forcibly entered a police armoury and made off with an array of weapons, notably including AK and 'Ghatak' series assault rifles, in addition to a substantial cache of over 19,000 bullets of varying calibers.

The targeted site of the incident was the premises of the 2nd India Reserve Battalion (IRB) stationed in Naranseina, situated within the Bishnupur district. Reports indicate that the intrusion occurred during a gathering at this location, which was poised to proceed towards Churachandpur. The intended purpose of the march to Churachandpur was to hold a mass burial for individuals belonging to the tribal community who lost their lives in the aftermath of ethnic conflicts that erupted in the state on May 3.

As a result of this audacious act, the mob managed to seize a substantial quantity of armaments, which included more than 19,000 rounds of ammunition spanning different calibers. Among the stolen items were an AK series assault rifle, three 'Ghaatak' rifles, 195 self-loading rifles, five MP-5 guns, 16 9mm pistols, 25 bulletproof jackets, 21 carbines, and 124 hand grenades, among various other pieces of equipment, according to official reports.

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