Pakistan President Denies Approving Controversial Bills

Pakistan President Denies Approving Controversial Bills

Pakistan's President Arif Alvi has claimed he did not approve two controversial bills that would expand the military's powers. In a social media post, he stated that he returned the bills unsigned, alleging that his staff had undermined his decision.

These laws seek to criminalize revealing the identities of military intelligence officers and propose jail terms for defaming the army.

President Alvi's statement raises questions about the legality of these laws. However, Pakistan's interim law minister, Ahmed Irfan Aslam, argued that the president had the option to either give assent to the bills or refer them to parliament with specific observations.

Since the signed bills were not received from the president, they automatically became law. The bills had previously sparked intense debate in the National Assembly, with opposition parties criticizing their passage without adequate discussion.

The PTI has announced its intention to challenge the disputed bills in the Supreme Court and has expressed full support for President Arif Alvi. President Alvi is a founding member of the PTI, which is led by former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Following  Khan's arrest in May, violent protests erupted, targeting military cantonments. Subsequently, the PTI has faced systematic targeting, with numerous key leaders, including Mr. Khan, receiving jail sentences on various charges.

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