Powerful 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles South Island in New Zealand

Powerful 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles South Island in New Zealand

wellington - Strong tremors rocked parts of New Zealand on Wednesday morning, sparking panic among thousands of residents who rushed out of their homes to ensure their safety.

A potent earthquake, measuring 6.2 in magnitude, struck New Zealand's South Island at 0914 local time (2114 GMT), as reported by a government website. Approximately 15,000 individuals reported experiencing the earthquake.

The epicenter of the earthquake, according to New Zealand's government Geonet website, was located 124 kilometers west of Christchurch, at a depth of 11 kilometers. The agency further noted that the powerful tremors had a profound impact, causing widespread panic. People immediately fled their homes as the earthquake struck, and social media platforms were inundated with posts expressing concern for the well-being of those in New Zealand.

Fortunately, as of now, there have been no reports of loss of life or significant property damage.

While the earthquake was significant, New Zealand's National Emergency Management Agency did not issue a tsunami warning and had not received any reports of damage.

The assessment of potential damage is currently underway, with Timaru Deputy Mayor Scott Shannon stating that there have been no reports of property damage thus far.

A resident described the earthquake as stronger than previous ones, causing initial confusion that felt like thunder.

New Zealand's location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where tectonic plates collide, makes the country prone to frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. In 2011, a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the South Island city of Christchurch, resulting in the loss of nearly 200 lives and significant damage to numerous buildings.

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