Pentagon and India in Talks to Consider Production of Military Systems, Says U.S. Official

Pentagon and India in Talks to Consider Production of Military Systems, Says U.S. Official

Washington - A senior Pentagon official has disclosed that the United States is actively engaged in discussions with the Indian government regarding the potential production of military systems in areas related to Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR), and ground-based conventional warfare. Siddharth Iyer, Director for South Asia Policy within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, made these remarks during an event organized by the prestigious Hudson Institute.

Iyer, who is of Indian-American descent, expressed that efforts are also underway to establish a reciprocal defense procurement agreement with India. He mentioned that talks between the two nations to finalize a security of supply arrangement, aimed at streamlining the procurement processes for defense firms, are progressing positively.

Furthermore, Iyer emphasized that the Pentagon views this relationship as a top priority, believing that getting the US-India partnership right is not just essential but necessary for their Indo-Pacific strategy. He noted that Defense Secretary Loyd Austin is committed to accelerating India's military modernization and advancing its indigenous defense production capabilities.

In terms of the India-US defense roadmap, Iyer explained that it outlines key military areas where collaborative efforts should be concentrated and identifies concrete mechanisms for integrating supply chains. Additionally, it establishes oversight mechanisms to prevent bureaucratic bottlenecks and regulatory obstacles from impeding progress.

Iyer also highlighted the significance of the GE engine deal, which received substantial attention in the media. This arrangement, while involving private companies, required close collaboration between the governments, industries, and a holistic approach to technology security, aligning with both nations' strategic interests and technology security requirements.

The GE engine deal grants India access to sensitive jet engine technology, a notable milestone in the collaboration.

Looking ahead, Iyer anticipates progress on various fronts in the coming months as they continue to strengthen the defense partnership between the United States and India.

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