Gaza Parish Priest Receives Supportive Calls from Pope Francis Amidst Conflict

Gaza Parish Priest Receives Supportive Calls from Pope Francis Amidst Conflict

In the midst of the ongoing conflict in Gaza following recent Hamas terrorist attacks and Israeli raids, Fr. Gabriel Romanelli, the parish priest, has shared heartwarming moments of connection with Pope Francis.  Pope has reached out twice to inquire about the well-being of the Christian community in the region.

Fr. Romanelli, who is currently in Bethlehem, expressed his gratitude for  Pope's appeals for a ceasefire and the cessation of violence and war. Pope Francis has demonstrated his unwavering support and closeness to those affected by the strife.

The Gaza parish is providing refuge to approximately 150 people who have lost their homes or are seeking safety from the bombardments. Fortunately, there have been no reports of deaths or damages within the Christian community, although the broader Gaza area has witnessed over 770 fatalities and 4,000 injuries as a result of Israeli actions in response to the Hamas attacks.

Pope Francis made these calls to convey his concern and blessings to the community, highlighting the unity and compassion of the Church during challenging times. Fr. Romanelli noted that Pope's support extends to all, with his vicar assisting those seeking refuge in the parish.

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