Pope Francis Urges Faithful: Nourish the 'Oil' of the Soul for Spiritual Preparedness

Pope Francis Urges Faithful: Nourish the 'Oil' of the Soul for Spiritual Preparedness

In his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis has underscored the importance of nurturing the "oil of the soul" daily, urging the faithful to be prepared for the Lord and for others. Reflecting on the Parable of the Ten Virgins from the Gospel of Matthew, Pope emphasized the need for constant cultivation of the inner life.

Addressing the crowd in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis delved into the parable, illustrating the distinction between the wise and foolish virgins based on their preparation. The wise virgins, he explained, took flasks of oil with their lamps, symbolizing the unseen element that generates light. In contrast, the foolish ones neglected this preparation, leading to the depletion of their oil.

Pope Francis drew parallels between the parable and the challenges of contemporary life, urging individuals to prioritize the often-overlooked aspects of their inner selves. He cautioned against the trap of mere appearances and highlighted the wisdom of focusing on what cannot be seen but holds paramount importance—the care of the heart.

"Jesus says that the wisdom of life lies elsewhere: in taking care of what cannot be seen, but is more important, taking care of the heart," Pope emphasized.

He introduced the concept of "stewardship of the inner life," encouraging the faithful to invest time in self-reflection, silence, and listening. Pope Francis advised against falling into the trap of excessive activism, emphasizing the significance of dedicating time to the Lord and listening to His Word.

Furthermore, Pope Francis stressed that the inner life cannot be improvised but requires daily constancy and preparation. He challenged the audience to examine their priorities, asking, "What am I preparing at this moment in life? Am I dedicating time to the care of the heart, prayer, service to others, and to the Lord, who is the destination of life?"

Concluding his address, Pope invoked the intercession of Mary, Our Lady, praying for her assistance in nurturing the "oil" of inner life. In this thought-provoking message, Pope Francis calls on believers to reflect on their spiritual preparedness and prioritize the cultivation of the soul's essential elements.

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