NATO Secretary-General Stresses Distinct Nature of Ukraine and Gaza Wars

NATO Secretary-General Stresses Distinct Nature of Ukraine and Gaza Wars

Brussels: Addressing allegations of Western double standards, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg asserted on Tuesday that adherence to international law is imperative in all conflicts, while emphasizing the distinct nature of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

In response to accusations from Arab leaders that Western countries are applying different standards to Israel's Gaza conflict and Russia's war in Ukraine, Stoltenberg stated, "My message is that international law, humanitarian law, has to be respected in all conflicts, and civilian lives have always to be protected."

During a press conference at the alliance's Brussels headquarters, he acknowledged the differences between the situations in Gaza and Ukraine, stating, "It's important to recognize that the situation in Gaza and the situation in Ukraine is different in many ways."

He highlighted the unprovoked nature of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing that Ukraine had not posed a threat to Russia and had not initiated an attack. Stoltenberg affirmed Ukraine's right to self-defense against an unprovoked invasion and the preservation of its territorial integrity, characterizing the Russian actions as a full-scale invasion of another country.

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