Pope Francis Urges Faithful to Invoke Jesus in the Face of Temptation and to Avoid Dialogue with the Devil

Pope Francis Urges Faithful to Invoke Jesus in the Face of Temptation and to Avoid Dialogue with the Devil

In his Sunday Angelus address in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis encouraged believers to resist the allure of enslavement by invoking Jesus when faced with temptation or on the brink of making a misstep. Reflecting on the Gospel passage from St. Mark, which recounts Jesus liberating a person possessed by an evil spirit, the Pope emphasized the devil's desire to take hold of individuals and the importance of staying close to the Lord to resist such influence.

Pope Francis cautioned against the various "enchainments" that make individuals slaves to dissatisfaction, depleting their energy, possessions, and affections. Stressing that the devil aims to "chain our souls," he urged the faithful to guard against these chains that stifle freedom and enchain hearts.

Highlighting Jesus as the liberator from the power of evil, Pope Francis underscored that there should be no dialogue with the devil. He warned against entering into conversation with the devil, stating, "There is no dialogue with the devil because if you enter into dialogue with him, he wins, always."

When faced with temptation and oppression, Pope advised believers to invoke Jesus where the chains of evil tighten most strongly. He reminded the faithful that Jesus, with the power of His Spirit, rejects the devil's attempts to divide hearts, families, and communities.

Emphasizing Jesus's desire for love, joy, meekness, freedom, peace, and care, Pope Francis urged vigilance in not engaging in dialogue with the devil. He stressed that the Lord wants lives filled with love and joy, requiring continuous caution.

In his concluding remarks, Pope Francis invoked the Blessed Mother's protection against evil, extending warm wishes for a good Sunday and a pleasant lunch to those gathered in St. Peter's Square.

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