U.S. Bishops Launch Religious Freedom Week: A Call to Prayer and Action

U.S. Bishops Launch Religious Freedom Week: A Call to Prayer and Action

The Catholic bishops of the United States are encouraging Catholics to participate in a week of prayer, reflection, and action to promote religious freedom, focusing on issues like church vandalism, blasphemy laws, and Christian persecution in India.

Religious Freedom Week 2024 runs from June 22-29, starting on the feast day of St. Thomas More and John Fisher. Each day has a specific theme:

June 22: Sacred Spaces

Catholics are asked to pray for the safety of all places of worship. Over 320 instances of vandalism against Catholic entities have been recorded since 2020, including graffiti, property damage, threats, theft, and arson. Respect for sacred spaces is essential for civil peace.

June 23: Blasphemy and Apostasy Laws

Catholics are asked to pray for those persecuted under blasphemy and apostasy laws. These laws exist in nearly 40% of countries, with severe penalties including death in some nations. The bishops highlighted the work of Aid to the Church in Need, a charity supporting persecuted Christians.

June 24: Freedom to Speak the Truth

Catholics are urged to pray for courage to uphold and share the Gospel despite social and legal pressures. The bishops criticized government regulations that suppress speech upholding traditional views on marriage, gender, and life.

June 25: Service to Immigrants

Catholics are asked to pray for the protection of migrants and refugees and for the freedom to serve them. The bishops emphasized the Church’s role in aiding migrants and called for comprehensive immigration reform.

June 26: India

Prayers are requested for Christians in India facing harassment and violence. The bishops noted the rise in anti-Christian violence and promoted the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, which supports those in need in the region.

June 27: Faith at Work

Catholics are asked to pray for business leaders to promote a culture of life. The bishops discussed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and criticized regulations that interpret it to include abortion, highlighting their legal challenge against these interpretations.

June 28: Civility

Catholics are urged to pray for civility and respect for human dignity. The bishops encouraged fostering unity and promoting constructive political discourse, referencing Pope Francis’ call for politics serving the common good.

June 29: Catholic Health Care

Prayers are requested for the respect of consciences in healthcare. The bishops highlighted challenges faced by Catholic healthcare institutions, including pressures related to abortion and transgender surgeries, and urged support for conscience protections.

The bishops encourage Catholics to stay informed and take action through alerts on opportunities to support the Church's rights in healthcare and other areas.

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