NATO Chief Warns China of Consequences for Supporting Russia in Ukraine War

NATO Chief Warns China of Consequences for Supporting Russia in Ukraine War

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has warned that China may face consequences for supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine if it continues its current course.

In an interview with the BBC during his visit to Washington, Stoltenberg criticized Beijing for attempting to support Russia while maintaining relationships with European allies, stating that this dual approach is unsustainable.

Stoltenberg's remarks come amid Russia's continued aggression in Ukraine and follow a peace summit in Switzerland, where many nations pledged support for Kyiv. Russia dismissed the summit, insisting on peace talks only if Ukraine surrenders.

Regarding China's support for Russia, Stoltenberg mentioned an "ongoing conversation" about potential sanctions. He highlighted China's provision of critical technologies, such as micro-electronics, essential for Russia's missile and weapon production. He suggested that economic penalties might be considered if China does not alter its behavior.

China, already facing some sanctions, defended its trade with Russia, emphasizing it does not supply lethal arms and manages the export of dual-use items according to laws and regulations. Last month, the US imposed restrictions targeting around 20 Chinese and Hong Kong-based firms.

Stoltenberg’s Washington visit coincided with news that Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea, following his recent trip to China.

As Russia becomes more isolated globally due to its war in Ukraine, Putin has sought closer ties with authoritarian leaders, including those in Iran, China, and North Korea.

Stoltenberg noted that North Korea has supplied artillery shells to Russia, receiving advanced technology for its missile and nuclear programs in return.

Ahead of his meeting with US President Joe Biden, Stoltenberg announced that over 20 nations are expected to meet a defense spending target of 2% this year, a record since the pledge in 2014. He remarked that this increased spending benefits both Europe and the US.

Stoltenberg also addressed his comments to the Telegraph about NATO potentially increasing deployable warheads in response to threats from Russia and China, which the Kremlin criticized as escalating tensions.

He clarified that these comments underscored NATO's role as a nuclear alliance, meant to deter rather than fight wars. He emphasized that an attack on any NATO member would prompt a collective response from the alliance, underscoring NATO's purpose of war prevention.

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