Pope Francis Prays for Peace and Unity at Paris 2024 Olympics

Pope Francis Prays for Peace and Unity at Paris 2024 Olympics

Pope Francis has extended his warm greetings and prayers for the upcoming Mass of Peace in anticipation of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, which will run from July 26 to August 11, 2024. He expressed a desire for this prestigious international event to foster peace and friendship in a world that is much in need of these values. Pope Francis asked the Lord to bless all participants, including athletes, spectators, and hosts, particularly the faithful in Paris and beyond.

The Mass for Peace, held on July 19, 2024, at 10 a.m. in the Madeleine Church in Paris, marked the start of the Olympic Truce, a tradition endorsed by the United Nations that begins one week before the Games' opening ceremony and concludes one week after the Paralympics end on September 8.

The Eucharistic celebration was led by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Apostolic Nuncio in France, with Msgr. Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris, and Msgr. Emmanuel Gobilliard, Bishop of Digne and delegate of the French Bishops' Conference for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, concelebrating. The Mass was attended by Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, along with various diplomats and sports personalities.

In his message, Pope Francis, addressed in French to Archbishop Ulrich and released by the Holy See Press Office, expressed his solidarity with the intentions of the Mass. He prayed for divine blessings upon all involved and acknowledged the Christian communities preparing to open their churches, schools, and homes for the event. The Pope urged these communities to open their hearts, reflecting Christ's joy and generosity, and to remember the most vulnerable.

The Pope hoped that the Games would serve as a significant opportunity for France to achieve unity and harmony, overcoming differences and strengthening national cohesion. He praised sport as a universal language that transcends borders, languages, races, and religions, fostering dialogue, mutual acceptance, and a spirit of sacrifice.

He encouraged the Paris Olympics to be a venue where people from all over the world can learn to appreciate each other, break down prejudices, build esteem, and foster friendship. The Pope emphasized that the Games should promote peace rather than conflict, recalling the ancient tradition of the Olympic Truce, and prayed for a renewed commitment to peace in these troubled times.

Pope Francis concluded by asking God to enlighten the consciences of rulers, support peacemakers, and bless the conduct of the Games. He entrusted the successful completion of the Olympics to Saint Genevieve, Saint Denis, and Our Lady of the Assumption, and extended his blessing to all participants.

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