Saint Januarius

Saint Januarius

During Emperor Diocletian's persecution, St. Januarius, who was born in Italy, served as the bishop of Benevento. Bishop Januarius paid two laymen and two deacons a visit in prison. Then, he was locked up with his lector and deacon. They were cast out to the wild animals, and when the animals refrained from attacking, they were beheaded.

A relic said to be Januarius' blood is preserved in Naples. When exposed to the cathedral's atmosphere, it liquefies and bubbles. Scientists have yet to explain this miracle.

St. Januarius died around 305 AD, and his feast day is celebrated on September 19th. He is revered as the patron of blood banks, Naples and against volcanic eruptions.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Arnulf
Saint Peleus
Saint Theodore of Tarsus
Saint Maria de Cerevellon
Saint Emily de Rodat

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