The Kumbh Mela, renowned as one of the largest gatherings of humanity on Earth, has commenced in the northern Indian city of Prayagraj. Over 400 million people are expected to visit the six-week event, which features an expansive range of cultural and community activities.
To host the massive influx of visitors, authorities have constructed a sprawling temporary city across 4,000 hectares along the riverbanks. The settlement includes 150,000 tents and a similar number of toilets, supported by 69,000 LED and solar lights to illuminate pathways. Maintaining cleanliness is a priority, with 15,000 sanitation workers deployed to ensure a hygienic environment.
Over 50,000 personnel, including paramilitary troops, are stationed across the festival grounds to manage security. Temporary police stations and three floating river-based stations have been established, supported by bomb disposal squads and other emergency services. Advanced surveillance measures, including CCTV cameras, drones, and underwater technology, are in place to monitor the area and address any potential threats.
Modern technology is playing a crucial role in managing the event. Drones, tethered drones, and anti-drone systems are being used to ensure safety and efficiency. Underwater drones equipped with low-light technology are deployed to monitor river activities, while lost-and-found centers equipped with advanced tracking systems aim to reunite separated individuals with their families.
Fire safety has been a key focus, with every tent fitted with fire-fighting equipment. Over 1.3 billion rupees have been allocated for fire safety measures, including 351 firefighting vehicles and 2,000 trained personnel.
The event attracts participants from across the globe, offering a unique cultural experience with colorful processions, music, and traditional performances. Temporary camps serve as hubs for community gatherings, discussions, and interactive activities. Many visitors have shared their joy and excitement at being part of this historic event, which highlights the richness of local traditions and collective community spirit.
The Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj continues to be a logistical marvel and a testament to human coordination on a grand scale. With the successful implementation of cutting-edge technology and meticulous planning, the event promises a safe and memorable experience for all attendees.