Saint Gasper Bertoni

In 1777, St. Gasper was born in Verona, Italy. The following day after his birth, he was baptized. It is known that he came from a wealthy family with a very distinguished religious life. Read More

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jesus informed St. Margaret Mary in 1675 that He desired the Sacred Heart Feast to be observed on the Friday following the Corpus Christi octave. In 1856, the Feast of the Sacred Heart was declared...

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Saint Norbert
Saint Boniface
Saint Justin Martyr
Saint Maximinus
Saint Philip Neri

Saint Bede the Venerable

Bede is one of the few saints honored as such even during his lifetime. His writings were filled with such faith and learning that even while he was still alive, a Church council ordered them to be...

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