Saint Bernard de Clairvaux

Saint Bernard de Clairvaux

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who is revered as a Doctor of the Church for his numerous attempts to prevent a schism in the Church in 1130 and for his writings and sermons that had a significant impact on Europe in the 12th century, is honored on August 20.

Bernard was born in 1090 and raised near Dijon, France. At 22, he departed to become a member of the Cistercians. Being highly educated and fervently devoted to his faith, he persuaded his brothers, uncle, and other acquaintances to join him in the monastery.

Three years after entering the Citeaux abbey for the first time, Bernard and twelve other monks were dispatched to create a new monastery in the Champagne Diocese. The monastery earned the moniker Valley of Light or Clairvaux. For the rest of his life, he served as the abbot, guiding the other monks there.

St. Bernard learned how to balance the crucial duties of missionary service with a contemplative lifestyle. The saint was able to lead a very active apostolic life despite his rigorous practice of solitude and contemplation. His commitment to controlling his impulsive nature and his humility were commendable.

Another notable aspect of St. Bernard's devotion to Mary is his use of and advocacy for the "Memorare" prayer.

Politicians and popes alike sought his advice as he rose to prominence across Europe. He was canonized in 1174, less than thirty years after he died in 1153.

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