Saint Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine of Hippo

St. Augustine was born in the town of Tagaste (now Souk-Ahras in modern-day Algeria) on November 13, 354, and grew to become one the most significant and influential thinkers in the history of the Catholic Church. His teachings were the foundation of Christian doctrine for a millennium.

The story of his life, up until his conversion, is written in the autobiographical Confessions, the most intimate and well-known glimpse into an individual's soul ever written, as well as a fascinating philosophical, theological, mystical, poetic and literary work.

Despite being raised as a Christian since childhood, Augustine led a dissolute life of partying and debauchery, and he soon drifted away from the Church, believing that he was not abandoning Christ.

He moved to Carthage to study, where he made a name for himself as a clever student with persuasive abilities. He intended to become an orator or a lawyer. But at 19, he also discovered philosophy and fell deeply in love with it, a passion he pursued with tremendous fervor.

At this time, he became drawn to Manichaeism after its adherents assured him they could refute the Bible, explain the existence of evil, and provide scientific solutions to the riddle of nature. For nine years, Augustine followed it and learned everything there was to know before dismissing it as false and incoherent.

In 386, he traveled to Rome and then Milan, where he encountered Saint Ambrose, a bishop and Doctor of the Church, whose teachings encouraged him to search the faith he had rejected for the truth he had always desired. Shortly after his baptism, his mother, Saint Monica, passed away knowing that all of her wishes had come true.

He then made his way back to Tagaste, his homeland in Africa. During a visit to Hippo, he was appointed priest and later bishop against his will. After acknowledging it as God's plan, he lived the remainder of his life as the town's pastor in North Africa, where he devoted much of his time to disproving heretics' works.

Augustine passed away on August 28, 430, as the Vandals besieged Hippo. Augustine was 76 years old at the time of his death.

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