Saint Ursula and the Virgins of Cologne

In the fourth century the pagan Saxons began to invade England, intent on destroying the Catholic Faith and violating the purity of all young English virgins. It was in the midst of this that a gro...

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St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was a French Roman Catholic Visitation nun and mystic known for her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She was the sole child of Claude and Philiberte Lamy...

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St. Teresa of Avila
Saint Callistus I
St. Edward the Confessor
St. John XXIII
Saint Francis Borgia
St. Denis
Saint Reparata

Saint Justina of Padua

St. Justina of Padua was a virgin of noble birth who was born at Padua. Her father, Vitalian was a rich nobleman and prefect of Padua. She was devoted to religion from her earliest years and ultima...

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