St. Camillus of Lellis

“O Lord, I confess I am the most wretched of sinners, most undeserving of your favor; but save me by your infinite goodness. My hope is placed in your divine mercy through your precious blood...

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Saint Paulina do Coracao Agonizante de Jesus

Amabile Visintainer was born in a poor section of Italy in 1865. When she was 10 years old, her family and many of their neighbors sailed to South America. They were looking for a better life. The ...

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Saint Maria Goretti
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Thomas The Apostle
First Martyrs of Rome
St. Peter

St. Irenaeus

Saint Irenaeus was a bishop and author who lived in modern-day France in the second century. He is commemorated by the Roman Catholic Church on June 28. His most famous work is the defense of Chris...

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