Saint George, Martyr

It is uncertain when Saint George was born and historians continue to debate to this day. However, his death date is estimated to be April 23, 303 A.D. George was born to a Gerontios an...

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Saint Athanasia of Aegina

St Athanasia heralded from the island of Aegina, a short half-hour ferry ride away from Pireaus. Born in the 9th century, she was the daughter of Christian nobles, Niketas and Irene, and experienc...

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Saint Cesar de Bus
Saint Teresa of the Andes
Saint Fulbert of Chartres
Saint Julia Billiart

Blessed Pierina Morosini

“Virginity is a profound silence from all cares of this earth.” - Blessed Pierina MorosiniBlessed Pierina Morosini lived an exemplary life of devotion and purity. She was born int...

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