Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary was born on September 8, which has long been a set date in the Catholic Church, nine months after the celebration of her Immaculate Conception on December 8. Alth...

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Saint Nonnosus

St. Nonnosus was born in 500, in what is believed to be, Mt. Soratte, near Rome. He had a remarkable life and his works of faith were recorded by Pope St. Gregory I the Great. Nonnosus was a prio...

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Saint Giles
Saint Raymond Nonnatus
Saint Rose of Lima
St. Monica
St. Bartholomew
St. Philip Benizi

St. Andrew the Scot

Andrew and St. Bridget the Younger, his sister, were born in Ireland to affluent parents. St. Donatus educated them, and Andrew traveled with him when Donatus made a journey to Italy. Donatus was c...

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