Saint of the Day

Saint Silverius

Silverius was the son of Pope Hormisdas who had been married before becoming one of the higher clergy. He entered the service of the Church and was sub-deacon at Rome when Pope Agapetus died at Con...

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Saint Germain Cousin

Germain Cousin is a French saint born in 1579 to humble parents at Pibrac, a village 15 km from Toulouse. She is venerated as the patron saint of victims of child abuse since, as a child, she herse...

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Saint Methodius
Saint Antony of Padua
Saint John of Salamanca
Saint Bardo
Saint Ephrem
Saint Mariam Thressia

Saint Norbert

Saint Norbert was born in Xanten in Rhineland, Western Germany, in the year 1080. During the early part of his life, he was engaged in all sorts of worldly pleasures. He moved away from the comfort...

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