Saint Cyril of Alexandria

An Egyptian bishop and theologian, he is best known for his role in the Council of Ephesus, where the Church confirmed that Christ is both God and man in one person.  Cyril was most likely bor...

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Saint Gregory Barbarigo

St. Gregory Barbarigo was born in Venice, Italy in 1635. His father was an Italian diplomat and the two of them travelled extensively throughout Italy and Europe. By the age of 30, he had finishe...

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Saint Teresa of Portugal
Saint Germaine Cousin
Saint Antony of Padua
Saint Maximus of Naples
Saint William of York
Saint Norbert
Saint Francis Caracciolo

Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

St. Charles and many other martyrs for the faith died between November 15, 1885 – January 27, 1887 in Namugongo, Uganda.In 1879 Catholicism began spreading in Uganda when the White Fathers, ...

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