Saint Peter Claver

In 1581, Peter Claver was born into a farmer family in the Spanish province of Catalonia. After completing his studies at the University of Barcelona, he became a novice Jesuit at twenty. Read More

Saint Monica

In 332 Monica was born into a Catholic household in Tagaste, a city in modern-day Algeria in North Africa. A maidservant fostered her and instilled in her the values of temperance and obedience. Sh...

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Pope St. Pius X
Saint John Eudes
Saint Hippolytus

Saint Dominic

Dominic was the son of nobles Felix Guzman and Joanna of Aza, and he was born in Caleruega, Spain, in 1170. Eventually, the Church would beatify both his mother and his brother Manes, who became a ...

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