Good Friday

Though the term "good" is widely used in English, leading us to believe that the name originates from the idea that something exceedingly good (our redemption) occurred on this day, that is not the...

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Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

St. Cyril is revered for both his vast knowledge of the Bible and his forbearance in the face of misinterpretation and hostility. In addition to celebrating him as a saint on March 18, Eastern Cath...

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Saint Louise de Marillac
Saint Roderick
Saint Sophronius
Saint Colette
Saint Hilary, Pope
Saint Isabel of France

Saint Polycarp

Born in 69 AD, Saint Polycarp was acquainted with the Apostles. He was a disciple of Saint John, the Apostle and Evangelist, who consecrated him Bishop of Smyrna, which is now in Turkey. Read More