St. Anthony of Egypt

Around 251, Anthony was born to affluent parents who possessed land in the current Faiyum neighborhood of Cairo. Even though the Roman Empire was still formally pagan and did not have the authority...

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St. Genevieve

Born in Nanterre, France, in about 422, St. Genevieve was a brave and fair peasant girl. Her parents were Severus and Gerontia.On his trip to Britain, St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, stoppe...

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St. John the Apostle
Nativity of The Lord
St. Dominic of Silos
St. Gatian
St. Lucy

Pope Saint Damasus I

Early in the fourth century, Saint Damasus was born in Rome. There, his father—a widower—had taken Holy Orders and served as the parish priest at St. Laurence Church.In 355, Damasus held the...

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