Sydney’s new Auxiliary Bishop: 'I will not be just another administrative hack'

Sydney’s new Auxiliary Bishop: 'I will not be just another administrative hack'

Sydney’s new Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Meagher says he is committed to bringing Jesus to the Church’s flock “at the grassroots”.

“I fear becoming just another administrative hack,” he told a packed St Mary’s Cathedral where the episcopal ordination took place.
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP ordained the new bishop. Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo and Canberra-Goulburn Archbishop Christopher Prowse were the co-consecrators.

Australia’s newest bishop said he wanted to “serve people in our homes, in the ups and downs of daily life, where God is genuinely so close to all of us. Parishes and schools are to be served with a gentle and loving attitude. I hope to be possessed by Jesus, honestly living His Gospel so that I may bring others into the divine presence.”

The bishop added that the focus of his ministry was always to be on Christ rather than himself. “[Jesus] is risen now, and He is glorious. We are all utterly needy, especially me, but we are here because we are devoted to the risen Lord and His Church,”.

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