Saint Michael De Sanctis

Saint Michael De Sanctis

Michael de Sanctis was born in Catalonia, Spain, on 29t September, 1591.

At the age of six, Michael decided to become a monk. He started imitating St. Francis of Assisi to such a great extent that he had to be restrained from doing so. After the death of his parents, Michael served as an apprentice to a merchant.

Michael joined the Trinitarian monastery in Barcelona, Spain, at the age of 12. He took his vows at the age of 15, at the monastery of Saint Lambert at Zaragoza, Spain, on 5th September 1607. Shortly thereafter, Michael expressed his desire to join the reformed group of Trinitarians and was given permission to do so. He went to the Novitiate at Madrid and after studies at Seville and Salamanca, he was ordained a priest. Michael served twice as Superior of the house in Valladolid.

His confreres considered him to be a saint, especially because of his devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and his ecstasies during Mass. He died at the age of thirty-five on April 10, 1625 and many miracles were attributed to him after his death.

Michael was canonized in 1862 by Pope Pius IX.

Other Saints of the Day

1. Saint Fulbert of Chartres
2. Saint Maddalena of Canossa
3. Saint Macarius of Antioch
4. Saint Bademus
5. Saint Bede the Younger

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