Two heavenly songs composed in the friendly collaboration of Baby John Kalayanthani and Lizy K. Fernandez was released by Geetham Media today. The hymns were prepared to commemorate the Canonization of Blessed Devasahayam, the first lay saint from India.
The songs were released by Archbishop Mar Joseph Pamplany of the Archdiocese of Tellicherry at the online Ceremony that was organised by CNewsLive on Saturday at 6.30 pm Indian time to felicitate him on his installation as the Archbishop.
The canonisation of Blessed Devasahayam bears a special spiritual importance to the Lay faithful, as he himself was a lay person who even sacrificed his life for his Christian faith.
The two music videos released during the online ceremony was, "Bharatasabhayil veendum" (Another saint from Indian Church) and "Kattadi Malayil Katettu Padi" (A song sung along the winds of Kattadi Hills).

Sound recording and integration was done by Jinto John (Geetham Media). The spectacular, yet heavenly orchestration was made possible by Cochin Strings and Scharia Jacob.
The artists who rendered their beautiful voices to the song are Ramesh Murali, Amal, Baby John, Jinto John, Rincy, Siji, Mabel, Rani and Dimple.
The songs were produced by Markose Reyan, Athul Tony, Giban Gigi Panickiyil, Christina John and the CNewsLive Australia Executive Team.
Arrangements for recording the song visuals were done by Fr. Jomy Kamukumattathil and Fr. James Makkayil. The shooting began with the blessings of Bishop of Thuckalay Diocese, Mar. George Rajendran SDB and Bishop of Kottar Diocese Most Rev. Nazarene Soosai.
Lizy K. Fernandez, Baby John and Jinto John travelled to the village of Kattadi malai, Nagercoil to film the holy places were Blessed Devasahayam Pillai lived and was martyred. The places that bear witness to the important stages of his life were recorded and beautifully presented through the music video.

The Miraculous Fountain in Muttidichan Parai, Maniyadichan Parai, all a familiar sight to the Faithful is visible in the music video.
With its melodious music, faith filled lyrics and serene images, the music video is sure to capture the hearts of many.
Both the music videos are viewable from the following youtube windows