Former Vice President Mike Pence applauds leaked draft opinion on abortion ban

Former Vice President Mike Pence applauds leaked draft opinion on abortion ban

South Carolina - Former Vice President Mike Pence applauded the essence of a leaked draft opinion suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court could overturn the landmark case that legalized abortion nationwide.

“I hope and pray that the Supreme Court draft opinion will hold and become part of the law of the land, returning the question of abortion to the states and to the American people,” Pence said Thursday night at a benefit for Carolina Pregnancy Center, a crisis pregnancy center in Spartanburg.

“I also have no doubt that the women and men who are standing for public office at every level who have taken a strong stand for the unborn and the sanctity of life will be favorably impacted by this decision, particularly at the state level.” He toured the Center’s mobile ultrasound unit, ahead of his comments.

Earlier this week, a draft opinion published by Politico suggested the U.S. Supreme Court could be poised to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion nationwide.

A decision to overrule Roe would lead to abortion bans in roughly half of the country and could have huge consequences on this year’s elections. But it’s still unclear if the draft represents the court’s final word on the matter.

The issue of abortion has long been a centerpiece of Pence’s political life, dating to his days in Congress and as governor of Indiana. He has spent the months since the end of the Trump administration trying to position himself as a conservative who can appeal both to his white Evangelical Christian base, as well as Trump supporters and those who may have been fond of Trump’s policies, but not his pugilistic attitude.

He later tweeted supporting the abortion ban and the need to fight for lives of the unborn.

As he mulls a possible presidential bid, Pence has built a political advocacy group, delivering speeches, fundraising and bolstering relationships that could help him, if he choose to run in 2024.

“Governors, state legislators at every level, if this Supreme Court draft opinion holds, will now have a say over the issue of life in their individual states,” Pence said Thursday. “And I have a sense, as the nation is moving more and more in the direction of recognizing the sanctity of life, that they will be looking for women and men who are willing to stand up unapologetically for the cause of life this year and in the years to come.”

On Thursday, Pence told a crowd of more than 1,000 that supporting organizations like Carolina Pregnancy Center, which counsels women against seeking abortions and provides them with support, needs them to continue their financial backing.

“I think we’re going to see more and more states make a greater and greater commitment to provide support for women facing crisis pregnancies,” Pence said. “I truly do believe that, when the moment comes that the Supreme Court does their job, then it’s incumbent on us to do our job.”

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