President Higgins condemns Nigeria church shooting

President Higgins condemns Nigeria church shooting

Dublin: The Irish President Michael D Higgins has expressed his condolences to the families of those killed and injured in a church shooting in Nigeria on Sunday.

In a statement, Ireland’s President Higgins said that such an attack was made in a place of worship "is a source of particular condemnation, as is any attempt to scapegoat pastoral peoples who are among the foremost victims of the consequences of climate change".

"The neglect of food security issues in Africa, for so long has brought us to a point of crisis that is now having internal and regional effects based on struggles, ways of life themselves," President Higgins said.

"The solidarity of us all, as peoples of the world, is owed to all those impacted not only by this horrible event but in the struggle by the most vulnerable, on whom the consequences of climate change have been inflicted."

The attack on the St Francis Catholic Church in the southwestern town of Owo left 38 people dead including children, and others injured.

Unknown assailants attacked the congregation with guns and explosives during a mass to celebrate the Christian holiday of Pentecost. Authorities have given no information about the identity or motive of the attackers.

The Irish president spoke out days after the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need appealed to world leaders to denounce the attack.

Ireland has deep connections with Nigeria, thanks to the efforts of Irish Catholic missionaries. The two nations share a patron saint, St. Patrick, and there is a Nigerian community in Ireland.

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