Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Bishop and Doctor of the Church, Cyril was born at Alexandria, Egypt. He was nephew of the patriarch of that city, Theophilus. Cyril received a classical and theological education at Alexandria and was ordained by his uncle.

He succeeded Theophilus as patriarch of Alexandria on Theophilus' death in 412. In 430 Cyril became embroiled with Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople, who was preaching that Mary was not the Mother of God since Christ was Divine and not human, and consequently she should not have the word theotokos (God-bearer) applied to her. He persuaded Pope Celestine-I to convoke a synod at Rome, which condemned Nestorius, and then did the same at his own synod in Alexandria.

Emperor Theodosius II arrested both Cyril and Nestorius but released Cyril on the arrival of Papal Legates who confirmed the council's actions against Nestorius and declared Cyril innocent of all charges. Two years later, Archbishop John, representing the moderate Antiochene bishops, and Cyril reached an agreement and joined in the condemnation, forcing Nestorius into exile.

In several writings, Cyril focuses on the love of Jesus to his mother. On the Cross, Jesus overcomes his pain and thinks of his mother. At the wedding in Cana, he bows to her wishes. Cyril created the basis for all other Mariological developments through his teaching of the blessed Virgin Mary, as the "Mother of God."

Cyril wrote treatises that clarified the doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation, and that helped prevent Nestorianism and Pelagianism from taking deep root in the Christian community. He was the most brilliant theologian of the Alexandrian tradition. His writings are characterized by accurate thinking, precise exposition and great reasoning skills. Among his writings are commentaries on John, Luke, and the Pentateuch, treatises on dogmatic theology, and Apologia against Julian the Apostate, and letters and sermons.

Saint Cyril reportedly died in 444 and was declared a doctor of the Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1882.

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