Saint Paschal Baylon

Saint Paschal Baylon

“God is really present in the consecrated host as He is in the glory of Heaven”- Saint Paschal Baylon

On May 24, 1540, Paschal was born in the Kingdom of Aragon at Torre-Hermosa. He was given the name Paschal since he was born on the Pentecost holiday, often known as "the Pasch of the Holy Ghost" in Spain.

He was raised by his parents, Martin Baylon and Elizabeth Jubera, who were upright people. The young boy began to show evidence of remarkable devotion to the Holy Eucharist, which is a distinguishing trait of his personality, from an early age.

He started living a life of mortification between the ages of seven and 24 while working as a shepherd. He was able to pray while at work, and he paid close attention to the church bell that chimed during Mass at the Elevation. Paschal possessed a strong sense of integrity. He once made the offer to compensate crop owners for any harm done by his animals!

Paschal joined the Friars Minor in 1564 and committed himself fully to a life of penance. He was advised to pursue the priesthood, but he decided to become a brother instead. He worked as a porter, chef, gardener, and official beggar.

His constant kindness and generosity towards the underprivileged and suffering were extraordinary. He once gloriously stood up for the doctrine of the Real Presence during a trip through France in the face of a Calvinist preacher's blasphemies, narrowly escaping being killed by a Huguenot mob as a result. In his free time, Paschal would pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Paschal passed away on Whitsunday, May 15, 1592, in Villa Reale. After his burial, crowds gathered at his tomb, and miracles were quickly recorded. He was canonized in 1690 after being beatified in 1618. In 1897, Pope Leo XIII recognized him as the patron saint of all eucharistic congresses and societies. His feast day is celebrated on May 17. In most religious art, the saint is seen kneeling in adoration before a vision of the Host.

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