Everest's Indomitable Sherpa: 28-Time Climber Defies Retirement Call

Everest's Indomitable Sherpa: 28-Time Climber Defies Retirement Call

Kathmandu, Nepal - Nepalese mountaineering legend, Kami Rita, who has conquered the summit of Mount Everest an unprecedented 28 times, asserted on Thursday that he is not prepared to retire from his extraordinary climbing career. Just days after setting a new record, the 53-year-old Sherpa reached the pinnacle of the world's highest peak, standing at a towering height of 8,849 meters (29,032 feet) on Tuesday.

Addressing the media at Kathmandu's airport upon his return from the mountain, Kami Rita expressed his unwavering commitment to climbing, stating, "As long as my body permits, I will persist in pursuing my passion." Despite achieving remarkable milestones, his focus remains on assisting his international clients in scaling the formidable mountain, rather than competing for further accolades.

With the current climbing season nearing its end, Kami Rita's next expedition will have to wait until the spring of the following year. Notably, his record-breaking feat was closely trailed by fellow Sherpa guide, Pasang Dawa, who equaled Kami Rita's previous record of 27 ascents by triumphantly reaching the summit just one day before him.

What commenced as a gripping contest for the title escalated when Pasang Dawa accomplished his 26th climb on May 14, matching Kami Rita's earlier record. Undeterred, Kami Rita swiftly followed suit, completing his 27th ascent a mere three days later. The Sherpa guides' remarkable endeavors have captured the attention of enthusiasts worldwide, solidifying their names in the annals of mountaineering history

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