World Day Against Child Labour: Theme, History, and Significance

World Day Against Child Labour: Theme, History, and Significance

Each year on June 12th, the World Day Against Child Labour is observed worldwide. This significant day serves as a catalyst for the global movement against child labour. The United Nations believes that by addressing the root causes of child labour and understanding the interconnectedness of social justice and child labour, it is possible to eradicate this issue from the world. The day calls for renewed international efforts, including the establishment of the Global Coalition for Social Justice and the universal ratification of ILO Convention No 138 on Minimum Age, in addition to the already achieved universal ratification of ILO Convention No 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour in 2020. These actions aim to provide legal protection to all children, ensuring they are safeguarded against any form of child labour, as stated by the United Nations Organization.

Theme for World Day Against Child Labour 2023

The theme for this year's World Day Against Child Labour is 'Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!'. It highlights the intrinsic connection between social justice and child labour.

History and Significance of World Day Against Child Labour 2023

This year marks the 21st observance of the World Day Against Child Labour, with its origins dating back to 2000. Over the past two decades, considerable progress has been made in reducing child labour. However, the emergence of conflicts, crises, and the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed more families into poverty, leading to an alarming increase in child labour. The significance of this day lies in raising awareness about the persisting challenges, advocating for effective measures, and mobilizing global support to combat child labour in all its forms.

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