Deadly Missile Strike in Kramatorsk: Zelensky Condemns 'Act of Terror'

Deadly Missile Strike in Kramatorsk: Zelensky Condemns 'Act of Terror'

A tragic incident occurred in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, where Russian missiles struck the city center, resulting in the deaths of eight individuals, including three children.

The attack, which took place on Tuesday evening, targeted a restaurant and shopping area in the Ukrainian-controlled city, located near Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine. The bodies of two children aged 15 and 12 were recovered from the debris, with reports indicating that a 17-year-old girl was also among the deceased.

Rescue teams are currently working to find and assist any individuals still trapped under the wreckage. Ukrainian emergency services have reported that at least 56 people sustained injuries in the missile strike.

Eyewitnesses described scenes of devastation, with dead and injured individuals, cries for help, and a state of chaos prevailing in the area. The impact of the explosion also caused significant damage to nearby apartment buildings, some of which were reduced to rubble, as evidenced by social media and drone footage.

President Volodymyr Zelensky strongly condemned the missile strike on Kramatorsk during his nightly address, categorizing it as an "act of terror." He firmly asserted that Russia deserves "defeat and a tribunal" as a consequence of their ongoing attacks on Ukraine.

Additionally, the president expressed gratitude to those worldwide who have supported Ukraine and aided in protecting its people.

President Zelensky's words conveyed a resolute stance against Russia, emphasizing that the actions carried out should result in defeat and fair, lawful trials for all Russian murderers and terrorists involved in the conflict.

The devastating impact of Tuesday's missile strike in Kramatorsk resulted in extensive damage, prompting urgent efforts by emergency services to search for survivors and recover bodies. Amid the distant sound of alarms, rescuers persistently comb through the wreckage.

An eyewitness, still in shock, stated, "I can't remember anything. I just saw a flash." The eyewitness account reflects the overwhelming and disorienting nature of the attack.

In the Russian missile attack on Kramatorsk, three foreigners were injured, according to regional administrator Pavlo Kyrylenko. The attack targeted a pizzeria and a residential area, causing significant damage and trapping people under the rubble.

Freelance journalist Arnaud De Decker, who was present at the Ria Lounge restaurant prior to the strike, reported hearing screams from those trapped and expressed concern about the potential severity of the casualties.

The targeted area was densely populated with civilians, and regional governor Pavlo Kyrylenko condemned the attack for its impact on public spaces. The rescue efforts continued amidst the devastation, with the focus on locating and saving those in need.

Ukraine's defense minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, believes that the recent gains made against Russia are just a glimpse of a larger upcoming offensive. He asserts that Ukraine's main counteroffensive is yet to come and that everyone will witness its magnitude.

Reznikov also mentions that Ukraine has significant reserves of troops, including trained brigades and modern NATO equipment, which have not been utilized thus far. He views the failed Wagner rebellion as a sign of weakness within Putin's regime, suggesting that its self-destructive tendencies will contribute to its downfall.

Ukraine's Defense Minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, believes that the recent gains made against Russia are just a small preview of a much larger and more significant offensive that is yet to come.

He confidently states that when this counteroffensive occurs, it will be visible to everyone, emphasizing that "everyone will see everything."

Reznikov highlights that Ukraine's main troop reserves, which include newly trained brigades and advanced NATO tanks and armored vehicles, have not been deployed yet. He further asserts that the recent failed Wagner rebellion demonstrates a fundamental weakness within Putin's regime in Moscow.

Drawing an analogy, Reznikov compares the regime's self-destructive tendencies to a snowball, stating that the larger it grows, the faster it will ultimately crumble.

Yuri Sak, an adviser to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, responded to the missile strike on Kramatorsk by emphasizing the need to defeat Russia on the battlefield. He stated that Ukraine is targeted by Russian missile strikes regularly and called the Kramatorsk attack another tragedy. Sak believes that Ukraine must continue to confront the aggressors and liberate the country from these war criminals to stop the madness and terror inflicted by Russia.

The Ukrainian emergency service, DSNS, released images showcasing their rescue operations following the recent Russian attack on a restaurant in Kramatorsk.

According to DSNS, their rescue teams were actively involved in sifting through the debris of the collapsed structure and conducting searches for individuals believed to be trapped under the rubble.

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