Claude 2, a formidable rival to ChatGPT, has launched in US and UK

Claude 2, a formidable rival to ChatGPT, has launched in US and UK

Anthropic, an American artificial intelligence company, has released a new chatbot named Claude 2 as a direct competitor to ChatGPT.

What sets Claude 2 apart is its ability to summarize extensive blocks of text, comparable to the length of a novel. The chatbot operates based on a set of safety principles drawn from various sources, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and modern documents like Apple's terms of service. Anthropic describes this safety method as "Constitutional AI," aiming to make judgments about the text it produces. While Claude 2 has been made available in the US and the UK, concerns have been raised about occasional factual errors and "hallucinations" in its responses.

Anthropic's CEO, Dario Amodei, has been involved in discussions about AI safety, meeting with influential figures such as Rishi Sunak and US Vice President Kamala Harris. Amodei is also a signatory of a statement by the Center for AI Safety, emphasizing the need to prioritize global efforts in managing the risks associated with AI, likening it to the significance given to pandemics and nuclear war.

In light of the increasing use of artificial intelligence, the Writers' Guild of Great Britain (WGGB) has called for an independent AI regulator. More than 60% of UK authors surveyed by WGGB expressed concerns that AI would negatively impact their income.

The guild also proposed measures such as requiring AI developers to log the information used for training systems, allowing writers to monitor the use of their work. In addition, the guild suggests that AI-generated content should be clearly labeled, and the government should not permit copyright exceptions that allow scraping writers' work from the internet. These issues have also been central in the Writers Guild of America strike.

The introduction of Claude 2 by Anthropic and the discussions around AI safety and regulation highlight the ongoing challenges and considerations associated with the use of artificial intelligence in various domains, including content generation and intellectual property rights.

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