St. Andrew the Scot

St. Andrew the Scot

Andrew and St. Bridget the Younger, his sister, were born in Ireland to affluent parents. St. Donatus educated them, and Andrew traveled with him when Donatus made a journey to Italy. Donatus was chosen as the new bishop of Fiesole by a miracle. Andrew afterwards received the Fiesole archdeacon's ordination and spent the next 47 years in Donatus' service. Additionally, he built a monastery in Mensola, Italy. Andrew passed away in 877 not long after Donatus. According to legend, an angel brought his sister, St. Bridget the Younger, from Ireland to his bedside. His feast day is on August 22.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Antoninus
Saint Sigfrid
Saint Hippolytus of Porto
Saint John Kemble
Saint Ethelgitha

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