113th Birth Anniversary of Mother Teresa: Inspirational Quotes about Love, Compassion, and Kindness

113th Birth Anniversary of Mother Teresa: Inspirational Quotes about Love, Compassion, and Kindness

Mother Teresa's existence was devoted to aiding the destitute and marginalized, motivating countless individuals to embrace her path of goodwill. Mother Teresa illuminated the genuine concept of selflessness. On October 7, 1950, she established The Missionaries of Charity, a centralized Roman Catholic religious institution for women, in Kolkata.

The associates affiliated with this organization are committed to those devoid of caretakers or guardians. Mother Teresa's enduring commitment and self-sacrifice in aiding the less fortunate, irrespective of social class or faith, merited her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, Mother Teresa wholeheartedly embraced charity work and uplifting the oppressed from the tender age of 18. Known also as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, her given name was Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, where "Anjeze" signifies "a little flower" in Albanian.

Annually, on August 26, the world commemorates Mother Teresa's birthday, upholding her as an emblem of humanity. She was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. On the occasion of her 113th birth anniversary, let us contemplate 10 impactful quotes on love and kindness attributed to Mother Teresa.

10 Quotes by Mother Teresa

Love commences by tending to those closest - those within our homes.

Yesterday is behind us. Tomorrow is yet to unfold. We possess solely today. Let us initiate.

God does not demand our triumph; He only asks for our endeavor.

Love cannot linger in isolation - it necessitates purpose. Love must translate into deeds, and that deed is service.

We meddle with divine designs when we admit unsuitable elements into our lives. Be stringent with oneself, and then be just as stringent regarding external influences.

I may not transform the world, yet I can cast a stone into the waters, engendering numerous ripples.

Not all are destined for grand feats, but we can undertake minor acts infused with profound love.

Genuine love is love that causes discomfort, inflicting pain while also bestowing joy. Thus, we implore God for the strength to love courageously.

With humility, naught has the power to affect us – neither acclaim nor shame – as we are certain of our essence.

One of life's transformations is journeying from revulsion to empathy and from empathy to astonishmen

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