IIT Graduate and former navy officer whose technological Innovation supports a visionary cause

 IIT Graduate and former navy officer whose technological Innovation supports a visionary cause

To gain deeper insights into the technology powering the smart glasses that are dedicated to enhancing vision for individuals with residual or no vision, there is an explanation from Ramu Muthangi, the CEO of SHG Technologies.

Muthangi is the recipient of the Aarohan Social Innovation Awards 2023, presented by Infosys Foundation on Wednesday, for his work in the education space. The Bengaluru-based entrepreneur is the man behind ‘Smart Vision Glasses’ – an artificial intelligence-enriched assistive device that helps people with visual disabilities identify objects and people, gauge distance, detect currency, read books and manuscripts in Indian regional languages, among other things.

The creation of smart vision glasses is rooted in the goal of leveraging contemporary technology, including artificial intelligence, machine vision, and machine learning, to address the unique requirements of those who are visually impaired. Ramu Muthangi, the CEO of SHG Technologies, shared insights into this innovative endeavor. Drawing from his experience as a technologist with a background in communication and aerospace technologies, Muthangi's interest in assisting individuals facing visual impairments was spurred by personal experiences, particularly related to his elder sister.

The journey began with the realization that similar technologies were being developed abroad. This inspired Muthangi to initiate a domestic solution that would be accessible and affordable for India's substantial visually impaired population. The vision of aiding those with visual challenges became the driving force behind this initiative.

The initial focus was on integrating various components into a smartphone framework, aiming to create lightweight smart glasses. This approach aimed to counterbalance the discomfort caused by weight imbalances on traditional spectacles, thereby facilitating extended usage. Through the design of a compact image processor, the weight was reduced from 96 grams (Gen 2) to 46 grams. This optimization not only enhanced comfort but also improved power efficiency, enabling a usage time of up to 12 hours. The overarching aim was to ensure that users could engage in reading, seeing, and using the device comfortably for extended periods.

This relentless pursuit of improvement extends to the ongoing refinement of the device's weight and functionality. The next iteration, Gen 4, currently in prototype development, introduces bone conduction sound technology. With this advancement, users are relieved of the need for earbuds or Bluetooth devices, as audio is transmitted through the temples or behind the ear using bone conduction technology. This innovation aims to elevate the user experience, reduce the device's size by one-third, and enhance camera resolution.

Beyond addressing the needs of individuals with no vision, these smart glasses cater to those with residual vision facing challenges such as central vision loss, partial vision loss, haziness, or blurred images. To assist this segment of users, an augmented reality project is in progress. This initiative involves capturing and rearranging images' pixels to compensate for visual impairments, redirecting the focus to other areas. While still in the prototype stage, the augmented reality project is poised for future introduction, illustrating the ongoing commitment to innovation and bettering the lives of those with visual impairments.

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