Journey to Beatification: Remembering the Martyrs of Chapotera in Mozambique

Journey to Beatification: Remembering the Martyrs of Chapotera in Mozambique

The process for beatifying two Jesuit priests who died as martyrs during the civil war in Mozambique is progressing, with the diocesan phase nearing completion and the dossier being prepared for submission to Rome. On August 12th, hundreds of Catholics from various parishes within the Diocese of Tete, Mozambique, gathered at the diocesan Shrine of Zobuè to pay tribute to and remember two remarkable individuals: Father João de Deus Kamtedza and Father Silvio Alves Moreira, known as the "Martyrs of Chapotera."

This event marked the conclusion of the Diocesan phase in their beatification and canonization process.

During his sermon, Bishop Diamantino Guapo Antunes of Tete praised the two Servants of God as outstanding pastors who shared the hardships of their people, tirelessly worked for peace and reconciliation, and devoted their personal and spiritual qualities to serving God and humanity. The Bishop's words deeply resonated with the faithful who had gathered to honor their memory.

The beatification process began on November 20, 2021, and involved a thorough investigation led by a commission appointed by the Bishop of Tete. From January 2022 to June 2023, the commission meticulously interviewed contemporary witnesses who had known Father João de Deus Kamtedza and Father Silvio Alves Moreira during their lifetimes. These individuals provided valuable insights into the lives, martyrdom, and reputation of these two Servants of God. The collected testimonies, along with historical documents, were compiled into a comprehensive dossier spanning 1,500 pages.

The next step in the beatification process involved sealing the dossier and sending it in sealed containers to the representative of the Apostolic Nunciature in Mozambique, Bishop Paul Anthony. Bishop Anthony would then forward the dossier to the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican for further examination.

The tragic story of these two Jesuit priests dates back to October 30, 1985, when they met a sorrowful fate near their mission house in Chapotera, Mozambique.

Father João de Deus Gonçalves Kamtedza, a Mozambican native, was born on March 8, 1930, in Angonia within the province of Tete. He entered the Jesuit seminary in 1948, took his religious vows in Braga, Portugal, in 1953, and was ordained a priest on August 15, 1964, in the Lifidzi Mission. His commitment to evangelizing his people led him to various missions, where he wholeheartedly embraced the local culture, language, and spirituality. In 1983, he moved to Chapotera, where he continued to provide pastoral care to the Lifidzi and Chabwalo Missions.

Father Silvio Alves Moreira, born on April 16, 1941, in Rio Meão-Vila da Feira, Portugal, entered the Jesuit seminary in 1952 and professed his religious vows in 1959. After theological studies at the Catholic University of Lisbon from 1968 to 1972, he was ordained a priest in Covilhã, Portugal, on July 30, 1972. Father Moreira began his missionary journey in the Diocese of Tete, initially working at the Zobuè seminary and later in the parish of Matundo. In 1981, he moved to Maputo, primarily serving in the parish of Amparo in Matola. He returned to the Diocese of Tete in September 1984, taking on roles in Satemwa, Fonte Boa Mission, and finally the Lifidzi Mission in Chapotera.

Father Silvio was known for his fearless and resourceful spirit, his passion for missionary life, and his ability to find joy even in the face of its challenges and dangers. Tragically, on October 30, 1985, he and Father João de Deus Kamtedza became victims of the long and brutal civil war that afflicted the people of Mozambique and its Catholic communities.

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