St. Leodegarius

St. Leodegarius

Leodegarius was the brother of Saint Gerinus and the son of Saint Sigrada. He was born in 615 to a noble family in France and raised in King Clotaire II's court. He received his education in Poitiers, France, and was named the abbot of St. Maxentius in 653.

Leodegarius helped Queen Bathildes, the regent after King Clovis II passed away, and he was appointed bishop of Autun in 659. He opposed Manichaeism, formatted the clergy, demanded order in religious institutions, and emphasized the importance of the Sacraments, particularly Baptism. Leodegarius was imprisoned, blinded, and assassinated by Erchinoald, the royal palace's mayor. He died in 679.

In France, Leodegarius is referred to as St. Leger. He is the patron saint of millers, as well as the patron saint of blindness, eye sickness, eye issues, and sore eyes. On October 2, people celebrate his feast day.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Beregisius
Saint Eleutherius of Nicomedia
Saint Theophilus
Saint Thomas of Hereford
Blessed Lucy Chakichi

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