Philippines Expresses Concern Over China's Actions in the South China Sea

Philippines Expresses Concern Over China's Actions in the South China Sea

Manila - The Philippine military has issued a stern call for China to cease its "unsafe actions" in the South China Sea, following an incident where a Chinese navy vessel closely trailed and attempted to obstruct a Philippine navy ship engaged in a resupply mission in the latter part of last week.

A Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessel came within as little as 350 yards in an effort to intercept the Philippine vessel near Thitu Island, which is Manila's largest and strategically significant outpost in the South China Sea, as disclosed by armed forces chief Romeo Brawner.

Brawner emphasized, "These perilous and provocative maneuvers by China's PLAN not only pose a risk of collision but also directly jeopardize the lives of maritime personnel from both sides." He conveyed this message in a statement on Sunday.

The Chinese embassy in Manila has not provided an immediate response to requests for comment as of Monday.

This episode represents the most recent in a series of endeavors by China to monitor and obstruct Philippine resupply missions to personnel stationed in features within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.

China asserts its sovereignty over nearly the entire South China Sea, a critical passage for over $3 trillion in trade each year.

Relations between Manila and Beijing have become strained since Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos pursued closer ties with Washington, including granting the United States greater access to various Philippine military bases.

News Courtesy Reuters

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