Pope Francis Urges Learning from Children's Innocence and Joy

Pope Francis Urges Learning from Children's Innocence and Joy

Pope Francis recently hosted a heartwarming gathering at the Vatican, bringing together 7,500 children from 84 countries. The event, themed "Let's Learn from Boys and Girls," was a celebration of the innate joy and unity that children represent.

During this special meeting in Paul VI Hall,  Pope expressed his gratitude to the children, their companions, and the event's organizers, including Cardinal José Tolentino and the Dicastery for Culture and Education, as well as Father Enzo Fortunato, who played a crucial role in making the event happen. He also acknowledged the contributions of other families and organizations that made the gathering possible.

Pope Francis began the event by posing a profound question: "Shouldn't children be the ones learning? Why should we learn from them?" He went on to emphasize the importance of adults learning from children, as they offer valuable lessons through their simplicity and the joy of being together, both gifts from God.

"We need to learn from you," Pope Francis stressed. "I am always happy when I meet you because you teach me something new every time." He urged the children to proclaim together: "Life is a gift! God loves us! We are all brothers and sisters!"

 Pope likened this global gathering of children to a family reunion in the "big house" provided by Jesus, symbolizing the universal Church's embrace of all. He highlighted the importance of creating a welcoming, loving, and accepting environment for children from all corners of the world.

Though unable to personally greet each child due to their large number, Pope Francis extended his words and blessings to every child and, by extension, to children worldwide. He also expressed his compassion for children suffering from war, hunger, disease, climate disasters, and poverty.

Pope Francis encouraged the young audience to remember that life is a precious gift, that God loves them dearly, and that being together, communicating, sharing, and giving are wonderful experiences. He also reminded them to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, saying, "Our Lady will help you."

In a touching moment,  Pope invited the children to pose their own questions, which ranged from inquiries about caring for the environment to doing good in our world. This event emphasized  Pope's call for the world to learn from the purity and joy that children naturally bring to our lives.

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