Tunneling Expert Arnold Dix's Role Hailed in Miraculous Uttarakhand Tunnel Rescue

Tunneling Expert Arnold Dix's Role Hailed in Miraculous Uttarakhand Tunnel Rescue

Renowned for his crucial role in the successful rescue of 41 workers trapped in an Uttarakhand tunnel for 17 days, tunnelling expert Arnold Dix expressed gratitude at a makeshift temple near the site. Terming the rescue a "miracle," Dix attributed the success to the collaborative efforts of a skilled team and commended the prowess of India's engineers.

As the president of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association based in Geneva, Dix has been actively involved in Uttarkashi since the initiation of the operation.

Known for his unwavering dedication, Dix received widespread admiration, especially after a video surfaced showing him fervently praying for the safety of the trapped workers.

The challenging rescue operation, complicated by the tricky Himalayan terrain, encountered setbacks, including a broken 25-tonne auger machine. However, the use of manual drilling by rat-hole mining experts ultimately achieved the daunting task.

The emergence of the 41 trapped workers, brought out one by one in a meticulously executed operation, transformed despair into joy at their homes. Despite the challenges, rescue teams, working tirelessly against all odds, breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Expressing his sentiments, Dix emphasized the honor he felt in serving, particularly as a parent helping other parents reunite with their children. An Australian citizen, Dix received accolades not only from Indian authorities but also from Australia's High Commissioner to India, Philip Green, who hailed the tunnel rescue operation as an "immense achievement." Green specifically commended Professor Arnold Dix for providing crucial technical support on the ground.

In recounting the successful mission, Dix reflected on the joy of witnessing a miracle and the privilege of contributing to the safe return of the trapped workers. The rescue operation, marked by challenges and setbacks, ultimately showcased the resilience and collaboration of a dedicated team, bringing relief and joy to the families of the rescued workers.

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